Here's the complete list of
publishers recorded for the works in my
collection. Some of these are obviously duplicates, I haven't
worked to figure them out, yet. You can click on the publisher's
name to get a page
about them which lists the books in my collection they published.
Publisher | Number of books |
Nelson Doubleday, Inc. | 53 |
Ballantine Books | 48 |
Doubleday & Company, Inc. | 27 |
Berkeley Publishing Corporation | 25 |
Bantam Books, Inc. | 17 |
Harper & Row | 16 |
Daw Books, Inc. | 14 |
St. Martin's Press, Inc. | 8 |
A Fawcett Crest Book | 7 |
G. P. Putnam's Sons | 7 |
A Del Rey Book | 6 |
Thomas Nelson Inc. | 6 |
Ace Books | 5 |
Pocket Books | 5 |
Pocket Books | 5 |
Covered Bridge Press | 4 |
E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. | 4 |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. | 4 |
Holt, Rinehart and Winston | 4 |
Random House, Inc. | 4 |
The Dial Press/James Wade | 4 |
Avon Books | 3 |
Berkley Books | 3 |
Dell Publishing Co., Inc. | 3 |
Harmony Books | 3 |
Pocket Books | 3 |
Simon and Schuster | 3 |
Arbor House | 2 |
Avon Books | 2 |
Bantam Books | 2 |
Bantam Books, Inc. | 2 |
Bluejay Books Inc. | 2 |
Crown Publishers, Inc. | 2 |
Doubleday and Company, Inc. | 2 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. | 2 |
Houghton Mifflin Company | 2 |
Phantasia Press | 2 |
Pyramid Publications, Inc. | 2 |
Recreation Publications | 2 |
Walker and Company | 2 |
Ace Books, Inc. | 1 |
Avon Publications, Inc. | 1 |
Belmont Books | 1 |
Berkley Publishing Company | 1 |
Berkley Publishing Group | 1 |
Charles Scribner's Sons | 1 |
Chilton Book Company | 1 |
Datamost, Inc. | 1 |
Delacorte Press | 1 |
Dell Publishing Co., Inc. | 1 |
Doubleday and Company, Inc. | 1 |
Fawcett Publications, Inc. | 1 |
Fawcett Publications, Inc. | 1 |
G. P. Putnam's Sons | 1 |
Galahad Books | 1 |
Hawthorne Books, Inc. | 1 |
Little, Brown and Company | 1 |
Macfadden-Bartell Corporation | 1 |
Nelson Doubleday | 1 |
Playboy Press | 1 |
Signet Science Fiction | 1 |
St. Martins Press | 1 |
The Bobs-Merrill Company, Inc. | 1 |
The John Day Company | 1 |
The New American Library | 1 |
The Viking Press | 1 |
Thomas Nelson, Inc. | 1 |
Timescape Books | 1 |
Yankee Books | 1 |